T Antonakis Kane is the type of artist not defined through medium or genre. He gives us what
he perceives: raw, unfiltered, and immediate. His practice is not a strive towards perfection but
rather a beautiful stroll and tumble towards accepting the process of getting somewhere,
It’s difficult to put into words this young artist’s practice, partly because of his critical, creative
avoidance of being labeled into what could perhaps read as a more conventional exhibition
description. The truth is this is not a conventional show. T is no conventional artist. He is a true
thinker, a friend of mine; a role model, and a proud inspiration. He is a generous person who
wants to share with us how he sees. I believe that says everything about what a great artist is or
at least should be.
T’s fondness of John Baldassari, his own parents and everyday visual vocabulary have helped
him construct his own aesthetic language. Most of all, his experiences (most broadly speaking)
have assisted the way he transfers his thoughts into art. A recent graduate from The School of
The Art Institute, T told me that one way he started to appreciate his thoughts was through how
much he criticized the way he was taught to think at SAIC; It was a retroactive approach, as he
says, one which I believe stems from his supportive parents, whom are highly respected in their
creative fields.
I’ve come to the conclusion there is no easy separation between T the individual and close
friend, to T the artist. We met over the pool table. These pool games, which have been played
on countless tables over the years, have in some ways been an apt metaphor for our friendship.
Often we find ourselves not celebrating clearing the table of balls with expediency; but rather it
is the mutual awe and appreciation of shots taken which have led to opportunities of future